Gift Ideas for Every Type of Friend 2019

Christmas can be a stressful time, well at least it is for me anyway. I've gotten really good at the whole "last minute gift" thing, but this year will be different. I say that, but I'll let you know if that actually happens. Anyway, whether you're looking at this the day it's posted or the day before Christmas, here are some cheap gift ideas for your friends, or family, in relation to some of their possible interests/personalities. In the end, you know your friend better than I do, but maybe this will spark some ideas for you (:

The Sentimental Friend: 
Photos of y'all, artwork of your favorite places/inside jokes, or artwork you make. It doesn't need to be crazy extravagant or anything like that. You can frame something, draw something, write a poem. Just make it personal because if they are a sentimental friend, they'll care about you thinking about them. One of my favorite things about my room is that the walls are covered in things that other people have made for me. If making something isn't your thing, you can look on Etsy to find something that shows your appreciation for that person.

The Writer:
Notebooks + Pens from MUJI. They are super affordable and are not only aesthetically pleasing with their minimalistic design, but they are amazing quality. Muji's products will make your friend feel professional and put together, and hopefully they will be inspired to write.

The Musician:
CD/Records from their favorite artist or of their favorite album. This one's pretty self explanatory. You can also consider getting them a Spotify/iTunes gift card!

The Caregiver:
A plant. Someone as loving as a caregiver will love receiving something easy to take care of that's also cute for their room.

The Comedian:
T-shirt from their favorite TV show. And honestly, the bigger the shirt the better!!

The Reader:
A book of course haha. But maybe instead of stressing about what kind of genre or what they may have or may not have read, if you're close with them, give them one of your favorites. Otherwise, go for a classic they may not have read.

The Party Host: 
A board game. For those who love inviting people into their homes, get them some sort of fun board game for the next time they have people over!

The Influencer:
Dainty jewelry or small makeup products. For jewelry, I love looking at Etsy again or try to go to a local shop near me to find something unique. Small makeup products, especially sets from big brands like Glossier can also be well in price range!

The Adventurer: 
Inbox tattoo.  If they are spontaneous, this is something they can maybe play with that suits their style without the commitment...yet.

The Athlete: 
There are a lot of accessories that can be connected to one's sport. Since I work at a rock climbing wall, the first thing I thought of was rock climbing hold mug  but there are many other things that relate to what your friend does such as a basketball key chain, or baseball hat/jersey with their favorite team. If not, you can also get them a duffel bag for their stuff.
