18 Things I Have Learned at 18

Inspired by one of my favorite Youtubers, Rowena Tsai, who posted a video a while back called 26 Life Lessons I've Learned at 26,  I decided to share 18 mini revelations, quotes, and thoughts in my journal that I learned and have stuck with me since a year ago in celebration of turning a year older this week. I won't go into a sappy explanation as to why these 18 things had an effect on me but hopefully as you read them, they will do something for you. Much love~

1. A little more is still more.

2. "We accept the love we think we deserve." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower

3. Process matters.

4.  It isn't fair to place extremely high expectations on people and use that to underestimate their love for you.

5. "Some love stories aren't epic novels. Some are short stories, but that doesn't make them any less filled with love." - Carrie Bradshaw

6. Sometimes it takes more courage to say no than to say yes.

7. People have layers to them, and there is so much excitement and beauty in uncovering those layers.

8. At this moment, I finally have the community I have been urging for.

9. Be grateful for how they affected you, not bitter for how they ended things with you.

10. My parents and my sister are the most amazing people in the entire world.

11.  "Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering."-Ida Scott Taylor

12. I am proud of the person I have become.

13. Just because you're comfortable doesn't mean it's home. Just because you're uncomfortable doesn't mean this isn't home.

14. "Whatever we think, we manifest."-Amy Lee, The Law of Attraction
       feeling→thoughts→actions> all need to be ALIGNED

15. I am inspired by individuals. How their mind works, what they create, how they act.

16. A late night with amazing friends is worth the tiredness tomorrow.

17. One broken relationship doesn't need to break my other relationships.

18. There is a lot I have yet to learn and discover.
