My 2018 Highlights

Happy New Year!
I hope your holidays was filled with great joy and family. I wanted to take time to reflect on some of the things I learned this year and highlight a couple of moments and products that were really important to me this year.

For me, this year was a huge year of change. And I hate change. At the beginning of the year, I wanted to stay in high school, in Texas, with my same friends, with my family, and with Torchy's Tacos. But I did graduate high school. I got to serve on the worship team at church. I went to my first Kpop concert (Ahghase for life). I moved to New York. I started college. I got a job. I was in my first professional show. I found a new church. A lot of change all at once. And after experiencing all of that, I encourage everyone to step into the unknown. It's scary, but exciting.

I think the biggest thing for me this year was learning a lot about myself. I learned that I love quiet time. I learned that I love to journal. I learned that I love coffee. I learned how to read Korean. I learned that I had built up a barrier around myself in fear of getting hurt. I learned that those barriers were also blocking out love (there is a paragraph or two on this in the book Follow the Cloud by John Stickl which I totally recommend). I learned that I had a hard time being present in the moment. I also learned that I struggled with fully opening up in my relationships. And that caused me to feel extremely lonely in the midst of all the new people I was surrounded by. However, I was extremely lucky to have my best friend from high school follow me to college, and without her, I don't think I would have survived my first semester. She was with me through my highest highs and my lowest lows, and I have no idea how she has put up with me for the past five years, so I am especially grateful for her this year. And because of this, I learned to value the people around me more. Human beings are literally so beautiful, and I was always one to think that was super cliche almost, but it is so true. From witnessing the people around me at NYU and my new fellow classmates (LOVE Y'ALL), I've learned that humans are intellectual, they are kind, they are dependent on one another, they praise each other, they love each other, and I want to be a part of that type of community.

Another new lifestyle that was implemented in my life this year was self-care. I have always believed in living a life for others, and I have always been scared to be over-confident, but in doing so, I kept making myself feel inferior to everyone else. Everyone else's needs and wants were far beyond more important than my own. But by discovering Rowena Tsai on Youtube and spending more time alone, I realized the importance of self-care. If I truly want to live a life for others, I need to be physically and mentally healthy. I have to be strong enough in the first place so that I can be depended on. So along with journaling, I've included more skin-care into my daily routine using products like the Son & Park Beauty Water and the Cosrx Ultimate Nourishing Rice Overnight Mask. I also have made time for myself every week to just chill and do something I want to do such as read a book or watch a show or go to a cafe and have a good cup of coffee.

I think 2019 will be a year of renewal and strength for me. A renewal of my mind and a confirmation of who I am in this environment. A year of strength where I hope to be exposed to my weaknesses and my unhealthy mental patterns so that I can become strong in where I need to be. I'm excited for my budding relationships in New York and all the other surprises I'm about to face.
