First Week of College

I couldn't believe that I was actually here. My feet, sore from all the walking I wasn't used to, and my nose was adjusting to all the weird smells. Despite all of that, I couldn't believe that I was in college, far from home, on my own, still confused about scheduling. My first few days were really hard. I was too terrified to talk to people, but also too scared to be vulnerable enough to go to the dining hall alone. The first week was filled with a variety of different social events, but I found myself attending quiet ones where no one talked such as meditate and finger-paint. I found myself in my dorm room alone, re-watching episodes of Friends. I was really discouraged because my roommates seemed to already be connected, and there were already friend groups that were forming even though I had barely managed to make one friend.

I can't tell you exactly what day things changed, and it wasn't necessarily an exact moment either. It was more like when you wake up one day and realize that you're gonna be okay. But before I knew it, I had made a couple friends, met more people, and became more comfortable with living in the city. I found myself extremely busy with trying to make new friends and reconnecting with some old ones. That really helped. Knowing and seeing my friends back home, here in the city with me. It definitely proved the idea that home is not necessarily a building, but it is with the people. One friend from Texas that I met up with, who had already gone through his first year in college, really inspired me. Our conversation was based around his experiences in college, and the things he said seemed to touch on every single worry, fear, and doubt that I was feeling. (He's going to be famous one day so look out for his album haha.) He was so encouraging. In particular, I resonated with his peace and confidence in his art. I was so caught up in feeling behind because I was watching my peers already having ideas about creating pieces, and planning this and that with their lives, but my friend told me it was okay to wait. He said that I make one debut in New York and that it is okay to work on how I want to present myself and that I shouldn't worry about others. He reminded me that I was meant to be here. (Seriously, he's amazing and such a talented artist.) It was also extremely cool to hear all the things that he was accomplishing by working hard, and it got me excited about my school year as well.

The rest of the week was pretty long, filled with hot days, (yes, in New York) but I started to get plugged in. I literally don't know how it happened, but I made a friend through a mutual friend and was able to try fellowships and churches with her. This was such a blessing because my number one fear entering college was that I wouldn't be able to find someone who believed in the same things I did. Not only that, I was able to already meet so many different types of people, learn about different cultures, and start to gain a wider perspective about life. New York truly is the central hub of the world. Even though my first week of college was filled with many ups and downs, I cannot wait for this semester of classes. I am ready to be inspired.
